How to use hypnotherapy to control alcohol -Alternative therapies for alcohol. addiction We know that drinking too much alcohol is bad for us. It gives us hangovers, makes us feel tired and does little for our appearance – and that is just the morning afterwards.

How to use hypnotherapy to control alcohol - Alternative Therapies

How to use hypnotherapy to control alcohol -Alternative therapies for alcohol. addiction We know that drinking too much alcohol is bad for us. It gives us hangovers, makes us feel tired and does little for our appearance – and that is just the morning afterwards.

How to use hypnotherapy to control alcohol -Alternative therapies for alcohol. addiction
We know that drinking too much alcohol is bad for us. It gives us hangovers, makes us feel tired and does little for our appearance – and that is just the morning afterwards.

How to use hypnotherapy to control alcohol: 
Long term, it increases the risk of developing a long list of health conditions including breast cancer, oral cancers, heart disease, strokes and cirrhosis of the liver. Research shows that a high alcohol intake can also damage our mental health, impair memory skills and reduce fertility.

The direct link between alcohol and the liver is well understood – but what about the impact of alcohol on other organs? Numerous heart studies suggest that moderate alcohol consumption helps protect against heart disease by raising good cholesterol and stopping the formation of blood clots in the arteries.

Understanding Hypnotherapy for Alcohol Control

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The Science Behind Hypnotherapy for Alcohol Control

How to use hypnotherapy to control alcohol – Alternative Therapies:

There are lots of reasons why addictions  begin. In the case of alcohol, it can affect the way you feel, both physically and mentally. These feelings can be enjoyable and create a powerful urge to use the substances again.

Being addicted to something means that not having it causes withdrawal symptoms, or a “come down”. Because this can be unpleasant, it’s easier to carry on having or doing what you crave, and so the cycle continues.

Often, an addiction gets out of control because you need more and more to satisfy a craving and achieve the “high”.

More often than not, we just get used to the habit of sharing a bottle of wine over dinner, or enjoying a few beers with friends in the pub. (Remember pubs?). And that’s all fine and good, however, sometimes we can use substances like alcohol to mask or dull feelings that are scary to look at, or just to take the edge of a stressful day.

Stress and drinking often go hand in hand. During the first COVID lockdown in the UK, a study reported that 17% of the participants said they were drinking more alcohol than before.

If you feel that you are drinking too much, or you would like to be more in control of your alcohol consumption, there are ways to get back in charge.

How To Use Hypnotherapy To Control Alcohol - Alternative Therapies

What do I do to cut down on my drinking?

According to Alcohol Test, there are several ways to cut down if you find yourself drinking more than 14 units of alcohol a week:

Take a break – Have 2-3 days off drinking each week.

Hydrate – Alternate alcoholic drinks with water, juice, even a mocktail!

Make a plan – before you start drinking, set a limit.

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How to use hypnotherapy to control alcohol - Alternative Therapies
How To Use Hypnotherapy To Control Alcohol - Alternative Therapies

For example, if you feel your work stress makes you reach for the bottle, hypnotherapy can help to increase your ability to cope with the challenges of work so that you don’t feel the need to compensate for a stressful day.

It can help you with your resolve too, and help your mind to be calm and your body relax whilst you acclimatize to having less to drink.

Sometimes people feel that their addictions are simple, or silly, or not worth bothering anyone with, however, if it’s something that’s taking over your life, it really can be stopped.

Say no – Not everyone drinks alcohol, and it’s fine to say no. Say it quickly and firmly – don’t give yourself time to change your mind.

Pace yourself – Enjoy each drink slowly, and avoid rounds – remember that you don’t have to join in every time someone else decides to drink. Hypnotherapy works from 2 different directions, firstly to look and see what has actually caused you to feel you need more alcohol, and then to give you the tools you need to be able to fight that addiction by increasing your willpower, resolve and determination.

Share your goal – If you let your friends and family know you’re cutting down and it’s important to you, you could get support from them.

One day at a time – Cut back a little each day, so you can be successful every day.

Make a swap – Cut. Down on strong beer or wine for one with a lower strength.

Do something else – During those times when you might usually drink, try doing something else – take up a hobby, begin an exercise program, spend more time with your family.

Exploring Additional Alternative Therapies

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Take the next step and book your session with DHP. Lazzaro Pisu in Vancouver, today,
Call 604 202 7938.

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