DHP. Lazzaro Pisu – Counselling – TV Addiction

Counselling – TV Addiction Gone are the days, when television was treated as a special event. It used to be played for particular shows and specific hours. With time, the number of channels has been growing tremendously and with them, countless programs have been flourishing like mushrooms. The result is in front of us in […]

DHP. Lazzaro Pisu – Counseling – Drug Addiction in Youth

Counseling – Drug Addiction in Youth The drug addiction in youth today is a world-wide problem and more common than one can imagine. Teens are trying alcohol, marijuana, cigarettes, and heroin etc. even before they have turned 15. Just like any adult addict, the brain-working and neuron patterns of young drug addicts also show the […]

DHP. Lazzaro Pisu – Counseling – Internet Addiction

Counseling – Internet Addiction Unfortunately, we as a world, are living in an era of internet addiction. And the compulsion to stay stuck to the mobile screens, laptops, and desktops has become so much a part of our lives, that now it doesn’t even count as an addiction for most of us. The truth is […]

DHP. Lazzaro Pisu – Counseling – Computer Addiction

Counseling - Computer Addiction

Counseling – Computer Addiction Computer addiction is basically found to be of two types. The compulsive disorder can make one stick to the computer either offline or online. The offline addiction may happen due to keeping busy with the downloaded versions of games or watching movies continuously. Online computer addiction is more common than offline […]

DHP. Lazzaro Pisu – Counseling – Addiction to Video Games

Counseling – Addiction to Video Games There is an official term for the addiction to video games, it is IGD (Internet Gaming Disorder). The world of video games is not a child’s play anymore. As we can see, it is not just the kids but even adults are so badly into the spell of online […]

DHP. Lazzaro Pisu – Counselling – Addiction to Social Networking Sites

Counselling – Addiction to Social Networking Sites The craze for going hit on various social media is enough to point towards the addiction to social networking sites in every age group. Whether an adult or a kid, social media has blessed everyone with a (false) celebrity-like status. The mindset has become such that people can’t […]

DHP. Lazzaro Pisu – Counselling – Addiction to Smartphones

Counselling – Addiction to Smartphones We cannot imagine our daily routine without our phones, we have such kind of addiction to smartphones. It has completely taken the control over our lives. The irony is we don’t see it as a problem. Most of the people would justify their phone usage by using excuses like work, […]

DHP. Lazzaro Pisu – Counselling – Addiction to Pornography

Counselling – Addiction to Pornography Sex is one of the most primitive and basic natural instincts of human beings, thus making the addiction to pornography an obvious one in comparison to other ones. In a way, people have always been keen to learn more about sex, but indulgence in pornography is a not a healthy […]

DHP. Lazzaro Pisu – Counselling – Addiction to Gambling

Counselling – Addiction to Gambling Addiction to gambling is not new. Even in historical times, it used to be a passion of many royal families. We have also read about the disasters it caused to their rulings and damages that came along with it. Centuries later, the situation is still the same, even worse than […]

DHP. Lazzaro Pisu – Counselling -Addiction to Facebook

Counselling -Addiction to Facebook Facebook addiction has crossed its tipping point long time back. After all, this particular social networking platform has made updating pictures, thoughts, and flaunting the happy moments of our lives a piece of cake. A large number of likes and notifications give us an adrenaline rush like nothing else. The features […]