Is it possible to recover from mental illness.
We all have our ups and downs, but if you’re struggling with mental illness, it can be a lot to manage. If you’ve been diagnosed with bipolar disorder or depression for example, the best thing you can do is get treatment as soon as possible so that your quality of life improves. But what happens when there’s no one around to help? Can people recover from mental illness on their own? The answer is yes, but it takes time and patience. Here are some tips for recovering from mental illness.
Alternative Therapies:
Mental Illness Tips: Ways to Get Better
1. Seek Support
People with mental illnesses can find it difficult to let others know what they are going through. This is because of a feeling that there will be disbelief and criticism from the people around them. One way you can get better with your mental illness is by seeking support from family members, friends, or even therapists so you have an outlet for these emotions.
2. Write It Out!
No matter how hard we try not to think about things- sometimes our thoughts keep coming back like bad memories on repeat. When this happens, one tip would be to write out all those feelings in a journal when possible (or at least type them into your phone). Sometimes just putting words onto paper makes us feel better because we are able to process the emotions and move on.
3. Exercise
Exercise has been proven time and time again as a great way to boost endorphins, relieve stress, and sleep more soundly at night. It is also an easy activity you can do for yourself in order to get your mind off of things! People who exercise often report feeling less anxiety about their mental illness- so give it a try today! One type of exercise that people with depression find helpful is light cardiovascular work out such as going for walks or using a stationary bike while watching TV or reading. Anything that will keep your heart rate up but not make you feel too exhausted afterwards should be good enough activity level for this particular person.
4. Get Enough Sleep
Since mental illness can often make it difficult to sleep, this becomes an important factor for those who want to get better from their mental illnesses. Doctors recommend that adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep per night in order to be at their best- so try getting more than the recommended amount if possible! The benefits of increased rest are proven by research on both children and adults; even one extra hour a day makes all the difference when it comes to being well rested. Try taking a warm bath before bedtime or reading your favorite book with hot tea nearby for some relaxation time. These activities will help you wind down while still feeling like you’ve done something productive as opposed to just lying in bed.
5. Eat Well
Eating a balanced diet is an important factor when it comes to feeling good both mentally and physically, yet people with mental illnesses often struggle with this task. Eating well can be hard if you are not able to make healthy decisions on your own or cook for yourself; but the benefits of eating nutritious foods outweigh the difficulties our minds might have by trying new recipes instead of sticking to what we know already! Some suggestions would include eggs, fruit, vegetables- anything that will provide energy so you don’t feel completely drained during the day. You could also try adding protein like nuts into your system which helps stabilize moods and slows down cravings throughout the day (bonus points because they contain healthy fats and protein).
Alternative Therapies:
6. Get a Hobby
Sometimes you need something to keep your mind busy instead of dwelling on all the negativity in life! A great way for someone who is struggling with mental illness might be getting involved in activities they enjoy as hobbies. These are often things that people do by themselves where they can feel like their true selves without fear of judgement from others. Activities could include anything such as reading, crafting, gardening- any hobby that works for this individual would be perfect! Not only does it help them get out of bed when they’re feeling low but it also forces them to think about what’s going around inside their heads rather than constantly thinking about illnesses or depression. It helps take away some focus so we can take a step back and look at what’s really important.
7. Keep Track of Your Thoughts
Keeping track of your thoughts is an easy way to see how you’re doing mentally, especially if you are not currently in therapy or on medication. We often forget that our minds can be just as powerful when it comes to getting better from mental illnesses because we don’t always know where the negativity came from in the first place! Keeping notes helps us understand why we feel this way so we can make more informed choices about how to treat ourselves (such as by eating healthy and exercising). It also creates a journal for yourself which forces you out of bed and into action- something many people with depression struggle with but have found helpful after trying it.
Alternative Therapies:
8. Create a List of What You’re Grateful For
One way to positively affect your mental health is by making a list of what you are grateful for in life! Creating this list might be temporarily difficult if you don’t have many things that make you feel happy, but the more we do it- the better our moods become because when we focus on all these wonderful things going well in life- it means there’s less time and attention put into negative thoughts or habits which can cause anxiety and exacerbate depression. Focusing on the positives also helps with self esteem as people who consistently express gratitude often experience higher levels of happiness than others, according to research done at Harvard University (who knew!) A great day-to-day example is to keep a ‘gratitude diary’ in which you list three things from the past 24 hours that made you feel grateful.
9. Be Honest with Yourself
Honest conversations about all issues can be hard, especially when it comes to mental health and emotions! Talking about how we’re feeling not only helps us process our own thoughts but also gives out energy or lightens moods for others who are experiencing difficulties as well. This form of emotional release through talking can have serious benefits on your mental state because by being accountable for what’s bothering you- it forces your brain into action instead of staying stagnant where depression may set in over time. It puts some focus back onto everyday life rather than dwelling on illness and it helps people find the courage to get better.
10. Spend Time with Friends
Spending time with friends is a great way to uplift our spirits in any mood- whether we’re feeling sad, angry or depressed! When you spend time around someone who loves you and wants your company- there’s this sense of acceptance that can’t be replicated anywhere else. This person cares about what happens today as much as they do tomorrow because they want nothing but the best for us. It makes us feel like everything will work out eventually which leads into my next point on learning how to think positively…As soon as we start thinking positive thoughts (or letting go of negative ones) it has a snowball effect. This means that the more we think positively, the better our day will get and the easier it is for us to let go of those thoughts that don’t serve us or make us feel good.
It’s really important not to dwell on mistakes either- because this leads into my next point:
11. Move Forward
One easy way to start feeling better from mental illness is by making one small change at a time in your life! Whether you need help with finances, finding new friends or getting out of bed every morning- taking steps forward can be so much more helpful than staying still (or doing anything else). The most difficult thing about any kind of emotional state is admitting when things aren’t going well but once we start- it opens up a whole new world that is waiting to be discovered.
Alternative Therapies:
12. Speak Up
For some people with mental illness, they might find their voice and speak out about what’s going on in their head or heart because of the stigma surrounding mental health or fear of judgement from others. It can feel like something so huge when you share your story for the first time but just know there are more people than ever who will listen and want to help. We’re here for you! Sometimes all someone needs is an ear willing to listen as well as offer advice and support no matter how dire things seem within moments of opening up about these thoughts which have been hidden away for too long now…which brings me back around to the original point: It’s never too late to start feeling better.
Mental illness is a serious issue that affects many people. There are treatments available to help, but they’re not always easy and can involve uncomfortable conversations with friends or family members. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of 12 different ways you can get better from mental illness. Hopefully one of these tips will work for you!
Alternative Therapies: